Cartes St-Valentin en français | French Valentines | French Valentines Cards

  • $3.00

Nos cartes St-Valentin en français sont supers pour enfants et enseignants. Imprimées d'images aquarelles de Wychbury Ave, ces jolies cartes st-valentins rempliraient les coeurs de bonheur ce février.

Our French Valentines cards are great for kids and teachers. Printed from Wychbury Ave's original watercolour images, they cute cards are sure to fill hearts with joy this February.

Available as single sheets or in sets of 3 or 6.

➺ Sheet size is 8.5 x 11 inches
➺ Printed cut lines to make cutting easy
➺ Blank on the back for your personal message
➺ Printed on silky smooth 120lb Productolith card stock
➺ Smallest card is 3 x 2.5 inches, largest card is 4 x 3 inches